(Advanced Services)


IVAC-Certificación develops conformity assessment activities in the fields of certification, environmental verification and water laboratory. It also has a wide range of industrial services for all types of companies.

It is accredited by ENAC, and is a collaborating entity of the Ministry of The Environment and the Generalitat Valenciana´s Department of the Environment. Moreover, it publishes on occupational risk prevention.


The information contained in this business data sheep has been provided by the company and the University of Valencia Science Park Foundation (FPCUV) is not responsible for its content.

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Technology offer

Technical Specifications
  • Identification and Inspection Services:
    • System certification (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, digital tachograph centre, OHSAS 18001, UNE 166002, amongst others).
    • Product Certification
    • Environmental Verification (EMAS Regulation).
    • Notified body (Construction Products Directive).
    • Authorised control body (Regulatory inspection of lifting devices).
    • Water laboratory (waste and consumption).
    • Collaborating entity of the administration in matters of environmental quality (AAI - environmental licence, environmental communication).
    • Collaborating entity of river basin organisations.
    • Audit entity for the prevention of occupational risks.
    • Provider of inter-comparison studies between laboratories.
  • Offices in Valencia, Castellón, Alicante, Seville and Milan.
  • Industrial Services.
  • Technical assistance for "Marking C.E." of industrial products subject to directives.
  • Technical representation of manufacturers from outside the European Union for the "Marking C.E." of products.
  • Technical assistance for obtaining the O.E.A.
Benefits of Technology
  • Honesty, Independence, Impartiality, Confidentiality, Professionalism, Integrity, Veracity, Prestige and National and International Recognition through the Accreditation Mechanism.

Technology Applications
  • System certification (quality -ISO 9001- ISO 14001 environment, EMAS environment, occupational risk prevention OHSAS 18001, R&D management UNE 166002 digital tachograph centres UNE66902, etc.).
  • Product Certification (R+D + I projects).
  • Notified Body (CE marking of industrial products).
  • Collaborating Entity in the field of Environmental Quality and Control Body authorised through its investing company IVAC-Inspection Entity, S.L.U.
Sectors to which company is directed
  • Todos.

IVAC company news

IVAC-Instituto de Certificación, the first accredited European entity to certify Data Protection DelegatesRead more »

Contact information

Miguel Ángel VillaGerenteivac@ivac.es Phone: (+34) 963 943 905