How to successfully pass from the laboratory to the company? It is one of the most recurring questions in the Spanish R&D system. Daniel Ramón, professor at the University of Valencia and CSIC research professor, will explain in a new IFIC's Severo Ochoa Colloquium the case of ADM Biopolis, the spin-off he created in 2003 to transfer his experience in microbial biotechnology developed at the university and the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technologies (IATA-CSIC). At present, the company invoices more than 4 million euros and in 2017 it was acquired by the American multinational Archer Daniels Midland Co (ADM).
The colloquium is on Thursday, November 7, at 12:30 pm, in the Assembly Hall of the Headquarters Building of the Science Park of the University of Valencia.