The purpose of this meeting organized by the Fundació Parc Científic Universitat de València, with the support of the Conselleria de Innvación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital, is to address the process of implementation and certification of ISO 27001 and the National Security Scheme. In addition, a round table has been organized where different cases of success and good practices in the implementation of an information security management system in different environments will be presented. This will be followed by a round of questions.
10:30 h. Welcome and opening of the day. Juan José Borrás. Director of the Scientific Park of the University of Valencia.
10:35 h. Information as a fundamental asset of any organization. Miguel Ángel Vila. IVAC
10:50 h. The keys to a successful implementation. Jorge Edo. Mobiliza Consulting/Mobiliza Academy.
11:40 h. Certification process. Jose Vicente Zaragozá. IVAC
12:20 h. Round table. Practical cases
- Javier Plaza, Data Protection Delegate of the University of Valencia.
- Fuensanta Doménech, Director of Informatics Service of the University of Valencia
- José Fernandez, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and Head of Compliance of the Port Authority of Valencia
- Fernando Llopis, Director of IT of ODEC Centro de Cálculo y Aplicaciones Informáticas, S.A.
- Francisco Javier Albiol, Institute of Corpuscular Physics (UV-CSIC)
- Modera Fernando M.ª Zárraga, Manager of the University of Valencia Science Park Foundation
13:20 h. Question and answer session
13:30 h. Closure
The conference is in person and free of charge and will take place in the Marie Curie Auditorium. It will also be broadcast in streaming to facilitate its follow up by those interested who cannot travel. However, those interested in attending must register in advance by filling out the form available at Places are limited and will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.
The conference will be broadcasted through the Youtube channel of the Parc Científic de la Universitat de la Universitat de València. The access link is:
If you need additional information about the conference or have any questions, please contact the Communication and Marketing Area of the Fundació Parc Científic Universitat de València: / 96 354 38 41.