Communication Tools Workshop
October, 29th 11:30am-1:30pm Business Seedbed on Tarongers campus

Communication Tools Workshop


The attraction of investors to your project depends largely on your ability to communicate it. Your elevator pitch can be the hook with which to set up a meeting with the investor you are interested in. To practice the effectiveness of your communication and connect emotionally with your interlocutors, the University of Valencia Science Park Foundation has organized a Communication Tools Workshop - Present your company in 5 minutes -, practical and exclusive for ESPAI PCUV members.

It will take place on Tuesday, October 29 at the PCUV Business Seedbed located on the Tarongers campus (Beatriu Civera Building). It will be taught by María Iranzo, responsible for Communication and Marketing of the FPCUV.


11:30 - 11: 45h Registration and Coffee

11:45 - 12: 00h Welcome

12:00 - 13: 00h Workshop. Present your company in 5 minutes (Elevator Pitch)

13:00 - 13: 30h Discussion and questions

13:30 - 14: 00h Visit to the Semillero


To register, you just have to fill in the following form. The workshop has been limited to 15 places so that attendees can put into practice their communication skills throughout the workshop. If there is greater demand, another new workshop will be scheduled.